
No matter if your mom title is

stay at home mom, working mom or work at home mom.

No matter if your labor and delivery was

surgical, medicated or natural.

No matter if your family grew by

adoption or conception.

No matter if your baby is fed by

pumping, breastfeeding or formula.

No matter if your child is educated at

school or home.

No matter if your motherhood journey is

everything you dreamed it would be or your heart has been shattered.

No matter if you are crying on the

inside or outside.

No matter if you are living in postpartum

newborn bliss or depression and anxiety.

No matter if your motherhood experience is

first time or seasoned.

No matter if your daily life is

organized or hot mess express.

You are LOVED

You are the BEST mom for your kids

You are doing a GREAT job

You are WELCOME here

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