To all my mom friends, our day off is coming… Mother’s Day! In our house, Mother’s Day is a special day because not only do we celebrate motherhood (and all the things mom does for everyone), but it’s the only day out of the year that I get to completely run the day. And friends, I take full advantage. In the past, we have worked in the garden, gone on a mini day trip or ate all my favorite foods, but this Mother’s Day I am including another mom approved activity. This Mother’s Day I am going to lovingly force my family to have a Mother’s Day Movie Marathon. It’s going to be so great! No one is allowed to complain and I get to pick all the movies, which, of course, are all going to (mostly) feature mom’s.

Mother's Day movies

My Top 5 Movies to Watch This Mother’s Day

Movie #5: Ok, this is not a movie, but rather a category of movies: Movies About Dad’s (what?!)

I know this list is about movies to watch about mom’s on Mother’s Day, but I could not write this without highlighting the real hero behind my role as mom…. my husband! The one who listens to me, and then listens some more. My knight in shining armor who takes the kids so I can have a break all while never questioning about when his break will be. The fun one, the thrill seeker and the adventure taker. I wouldn’t be even close to the mom I am without him. So, it only seemed fitting to include my favorite dad movies.

  • Mr. Mom (Amazon Prime)
  • Cheaper by the Dozen 1 &2 (Disney Plus)
  • Father of the Bride 1 & 2 (Amazon Prime)
  • Parenthood (the movie) (Amazon Prime)
  • Daddy Daycare (Amazon Prime)

Movie #4: I Don’t Know How She Does It

This movie isn’t exactly a Mother’s Day movie, but If you are a working mom, you will appreciate this movie. Kate has a high demand career, a husband with a demanding career and 2 busy kids. If you thought that was enough to handle, think again! Watch as Kate juggles everything all while taking on more responsibility at work. You will literally think while watching this, “I don’t know how she does it.” Even if you aren’t a working mom, you will relate to Kate as she experiences all the funny and heartwarming moments that motherhood holds. Watch on Amazon Prime.

Movie #3: Freaky Friday

Also not really a Mother’s Day movie exactly, but it is about a mother and her daughter. Perfectionist mom, Tess, and her irresponsible daughter Anna, have what seems in the beginning of the movie to be an unfortunate event of switching bodies. While both are usually complaining about how difficult their own lives are and how easy the others is, they now get to experience first hand life as the other. This movie is funny and had me laughing out loud throughout. Watch on Disney Plus.

Movie #2: What To Expect When You’re Expecting

In this movie, you meet 5 women who are all on a journey towards motherhood. I appreciated the fact that so many routes to motherhood were highlighted, including adoption, as well as different ways of birthing. While this movie does have a large amount of comedy, it also offers a view into what someone else’s journey to motherhood might be like. I think it does a good job of showing we are all mothers in need of love and support from one another, no matter if our stories are the same or different. Watch on Amazon Prime.

Movie #1: Mom’s Night Out

This is my favorite and definitely my most watched movie. Allyson is an overwhelmed stay at home mom who doesn’t even want to celebrate Mother’s Day, and who I find to be relatable on every level. She has a mom’s night out planned with her friends, leaves the kids safe at home with her husband and leaves to enjoy the night out. Things don’t go as planned and a wild night out with friends, really does turn into a wild night. I laughed through this entire movie, and I also cried at the heartfelt tribute to being a mom that is woven throughout. This movie is dedicated to mother’s everywhere, and if you are needing some life spoken into your motherhood journey, I recommend watching. Watch on Amazon Prime.

Mother's Day movies

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