Are you a homeschool mom? Or maybe not a homeschool mom, but a stay at home mom? If so, then I hope this look into my outfits of the week will not only make you laugh, but also make you feel not alone if you can relate.

Monday Outfit

It’s Monday, the start of a new week. If you are like me, then you wake up full of ambition and energy, ready to be productive and to finally get your life together. It’s a playgroup day or another outing is on the calendar and today is the day you are going to get it together in the fashion department. Monday mornings also bring with them a bucket full of patience. Yes, the kids are screaming and you hear cereal spilling onto the floor, but it’s Monday and you don’t care about the chaos because you are too busy actually getting ready for the day.

You walk out of the bathroom looking something like this…

outfit of the week

And since you are now in a nothing can irritate me mood, you decide since you are leaving the house that the kids need to get dressed. On a Monday, this is what the kids look like…

Tuesday Outfit

Tuesday. That patience bucket that was full yesterday is starting to get drained, but it’s not stopping you from taking Monday’s energy and putting that into Tuesday’s outfit. You aren’t seeing anyone today, but you do need to run to the grocery store. That qualifies as an outing, so you get ready, but less ready than yesterday because unlike yesterday, you do care about the screaming and spilling of cereal, causing you to rush a bit, but not too much.

You walk out of the bathroom looking something like this…

And the kids… on Tuesday you set out their outfits in coordinating colors and help them brush their hair.

Wednesday Outfit

It’s halfway through the week and that patience bucket is halfway empty. You aren’t going anywhere today and you don’t have any errands to run. However, you do need to walk outside to get the mail and the neighbors might see you, which is reason to get dressed and put on some cute shoes. A hat is a definite must for today’s outfit because that morning screaming and cereal spilling was nerve racking, causing you to have no time for your hair.

You walk out of the bathroom looking like this…

stay at home mom outfits of the week

The kids pick out their own outfits on Wednesday and you may or may not get around to brushing their hair.

Thursday Outfit

You wake up hoping that somehow you miscalculated the days and it’s actually Friday. It’s not though, sadly, so you get out of bed, assess your energy level, determine it’s nearly non existent and put on the nearest (and most comfortable) clothes you can find. For me, it’s always a pair of joggers and an oversized sweater. You hear the kids doing their thing in the kitchen and know if you don’t get down there right now there is going to be a huge mess that you don’t have the energy for, so your hair goes up in a bun with a headband to conceal all the grime.

You walk out of the bathroom looking like this…

homeschool mom outfits of the week

Thursday morning you have every intention of getting the kids dressed. You weren’t going to do their hair, but you at least thought about getting them dressed. Eventually around 1pm you come to the conclusion that the kids are not getting dressed and you decide to look at it in a positive way, being, at least they are ready for bed.

Friday Outfit

Finally, it’s Friday! Your excitement level feels like your patience bucket did on Monday, but your energy level is nearly depleted. And speaking of that patience bucket, it’s looking pretty empty. You get out of bed and have an internal battle with yourself about whether or not to get dressed. You know you should get dressed and do your wash your hair, but let’s be real, that’s not happening right now, so you promise yourself that you will get your life together on Monday.

You walk into the bathroom and right back out of the bathroom looking like this…

And you tell yourself you will get the kids together on Monday, too.

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