New Year’s Goals for 2022

Do you make New Year’s resolutions or goals? Do you love them or leave them? I am one of those people who loves making goals & lists & plans. I am a dreamer & a doer- is that a word? Maybe you are like me, too, one who writes down a task that is already complete just so you can cross it off.

The beginning of a new year is always exciting for me. I pray about what things God wants me to grow in, how I can strengthen my relationship with Him & those around me & where He wants my priorities to be. The awesome thing about God is that you don’t have to wait until December 31st to ask Him to direct your steps. In fact, we should be asking Him daily for direction and discernment. It’s never too late or too early to seek God for guidance & make adjustments where needed.

7 New Year’s Goals Categories

This is meant to just give you an idea of some New Year’s goals categories. These are the categories & sub-categories that I am personally using, so you will find that you might take some out or add in different ones to customize it to you.


  • exercise daily
  • continue with high water intake- one gallon per day
  • outdoor time- 1000 hours outside in 2022
  • continue with 7-8 hours of sleep per night
  • nutrition- make more Mediterranean meals
  • take vitamins more consistently & try the Mary Ruth brand


  • evaluate budget
  • plan large purchases
  • no spend month


  • add to pantry & freezer stock
  • freezer meal prep routine
  • try monthly meal planning & shopping
  • create capsule wardrobes for family
  • establish a better deep cleaning routine
  • go room to room & re-organize/de-clutter if needed
  • be more consistent with morning routine
  • use pretty serving dishes for dinner
  • be intentional about making the home a haven



  • work on Shutterfly book throughout the year
  • plan a vacation
  • do more puzzles
  • read 12-24 books aloud together (separate from homeschool)
  • continue with kid dates
  • continue with date nights with my husband
  • plan monthly family adventures


  • read through resources we didn’t get to in 2021
  • try reverse planning- recording what we did instead of what we need to do- start next school year
  • write out specific goals for each child- start next school year
  • pick 3 words for our homeschool & kids each pick a word- pray about how to implement this- start next school year
  • evaluate curriculum choices & prep for next school year, you can see our choices for this year HERE
  • read or listen to a minimum of 24 novels
  • make a list of the picture books to add to our library, read about our favorite picture books HERE
  • prep lunches the night before
  • start a homeschool group


  • finish projects still not done
  • make list of house projects for 2022

New Approach to New Year’s Goals

In the past, when I have made a list of goals, I would immediately feel overwhelmed because I felt like I needed to start all of them right on January 1st. So last year I tried a different approach to New Year’s goals & it was so much more manageable! I started to include small portions of my New Year’s goals into my monthly, weekly & daily to-do list. The best part of this approach is that you don’t have to tackle everything right away. For example, most of the homeschool goals I won’t even look at until August. For those goals that carry into every month, hopefully over time they change from being goals to becoming habits.

My New Year’s goals list for January + a blank one for you

I printed my list out & will keep it where I can see it every day. I will do a recap at the end of the month, sharing things like the books we read, the adventures planned & how I did overall with my January goals! Let me know what is on your goal list for January & what you are most excited to start!

New Year's goals
New Year's resolutions
right click & save the image to your computer, then print in portrait orientation
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